Unreal Engine


Vacation House

For a bit now I have been learning Unreal Engine for the purpose of ArchViz.

This house is my first attempt at a web based virtual walkthrough. The house is an extremely simple house constructed from a lesson plan for Revit. It was then exported from Revit using the Datasmith plug-in and then imported into Unreal Engine.

It you want to go through the virtual walkthough you can click here: Vacation House Virtual Walkthrough, it will open in a new tab. The virtual walkthrough will only work in Chrome or Edge currently, although I have not tried Firefox. The walkthrough is also a 450 MB - it may take some time to download depending on your connection speeds.


Tallon Cathbad

Tallon Cathbad is the main character in a animated web comic I am working on. It will be animated in Unreal Engine.

This is my first attempt at importing a DAZ 3D character into Unreal Engine.



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